All votes counted: Orbán has 2/3 majority, but radical Mi Hazánk wants recount

With all votes cast in the April 3 general election counted, the non-final result has been declared in all the 106 individual constituencies. Accordingly, the ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrat alliance will have a two-thirds majority in Hungary’s new 199-member parliament. Meanwhile, opposition Mi Hazánk on Saturday demanded a recount of votes cast in the April 3 general election, citing a “last minute” withdrawal of a party mandate as the reason for legal remedy.

The Fidesz-KDNP alliance triumphed in 87 constituencies, and the united opposition in 19 ones, National Election Office (NVI) figures show. With their national party lists, Fidesz-KDNP secured 48 mandates, the united opposition 38 and the Mi Hazank Movement six ones. The National Self-government of Germans in Hungary has got a preferential mandate.

The ruling alliance will have altogether 135 seats, the united opposition 57 seats and Mi Hazánk Movement six seats in the new National Assembly.

In the countryside Fidesz-KDNP triumphed in 86 out of 88 constituencies while the united opposition won 17 of the 18 mandates in Budapest.

Meanwhile, Mi Hazánk’s party leader, László Toroczkai, said in a statement that after 99 percent of the votes counted, the party had had seven parliamentary mandates. “As soon as votes from beyond the borders were being counted, however, the percentage result of Mi Hazánk started falling rapidly and the number of fractional votes added to the [ruling] Fidesz party list also increased because of a change in the winner of an individual constituency,” he said.

Mi Hazánk lost its seventh mandate based on only 48 votes going to Fidesz, and thus the ruling party has a secure two-thirds majority in the new parliament,

he added.

“Considering that a bag full of partially destroyed voting slips have been found in Targu Mures (Marosvásárhely) clearly showing votes submitted to Mi Hazánk, and the fact that voting slips in Vojvodina were delivered without proof of receipt by activists of VMSZ, a party with close links to Fidesz”, Mi Hazánk refuses to accept the current situation until a review is completed, he said. Toroczkai said

the party would propose recounting the votes and submit a demand for legal remedy.

Viktor Orbán election 2022 victory
Read alsoOrbán’s victory is even greater with the mailed votes – Fidesz to have 3 million votes soon

Source: MTI


  1. Greater IMPORTANCE in Hungary – is that the system that has been ALLOWED and created by Fidesz, to enforce there position as a Political Party, there removal as a Government, from office in an election process – signed off agreed by the people/citizens of Hungary – those who vote Fidesz – the MASSIVE CHALLENGE – to the Disillusionment approach & attitude – or DOGMA – wrongfully pursued by the FAILED – opposition Conglomerants – is to Discover a Way – to become UNIFIED & STRONG – that is clearly seen by citizens as a – ROBUST oppostion.

    Hungary – in the “revamp” – of the opposition partys – lesseninging them in number – that has been conducted by Fidesz – “signed off” by its voters supporter base – strengthening Fidesz as a Political Party – the Core – of there Political Philosophy and Ideas – created by Victor Orban – what STILL is Failed to ACCEPT – is that Hungary, the number that still remain of so-called opposition Partys – is to HIGH.

    The way forward for Hungary – is to “retire” the dead wood or lost cause Partys – and inject re-invent rejuvenate – the oppostion party – by a leaner, thinner, healthier, united, younger decision & leaders images – that are ROBUST machines.

    The commencement of this VITAL programe of rejuvenation – new life & image – is – the RETIREMENT Off – the – predominant NEGATIVE – for the opposition image in Hungary – that being – the former Prime Minister & his Wife.

    Citizens in Hungary – have long memories – carry numerious “scars” and “damage” in there being, and it is APPARANT, the results of the recent helded National Elections – an embarrasment of a result for the Hungarian opposition party – this result was not helped – by the presence – high profile “promoted”presence – exibited image and existance – of a former un-popular and failed Prime Minister & his Wife.

    It is time Hungary – what is the FUTURE of the oppostion parties IMAGE in Hungary ?
    WHY do they exist ?
    Why do they endeavour to Exist?
    What and Who – do they represent ?
    What purpose do they SERVE ?
    WHAT is there AGREED vision – for the Future of Hungary ?
    Who is the BEST – up-front candidate – to SELL the opposition – Menu – to the citizens of Hungary ?

    ROBUST opposition, and if this does not occur within a “supposed” Democratic Political system, and Hungary, its citizens – driven by Fidesz under Victor Orban, and voted overwhelmingly in favour by Hungarians – remembering – they the voters suporters of Fidesz, the declining postion, broadsheet economically & financially being factually witnessed occuring in Hungary – on a downward trend – they Fidesz & those who voted there return to office – they ALL are Accountable & Responsible – for Hungary presently and into the Future – the somewhat SHAMBLES of a country we appear.

    It is past its Due by Date – rethlessness – must occur in WHAT – is the Oppostion Political structure & AGENDA.

  2. People of Hungary appreciated the FIDESZ Government. Under FIDESZ, the standard of living has risen and the safety of their citizens guaranteed. No one has been beheaded like in France and women are not being raped regularly like in Sweden. The people simply said “thank you” and keep up the good work.

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